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KMID : 0359020030270060509
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2003 Volume.27 No. 6 p.509 ~ p.514
The Expression of Melanoma-Antigen Gene A1-6 during the Carcinogenesis of the Colon
¾öÁ¤¼·/Um, Jung Sup
¹ÚÁø°æ/¹Ú¹«ÀÎ/±¸ÀÚ¿µ/Á¤¹ÎÁ¤/¹ÚÈñ½Â/ÀåÈñ°æ/Park, Jeen Kyung/Park, Moo In/Koo, Ja Young/Jeong, Min Jung/Park, Hee Sung/Chang, Hee Kyung
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